Breyer Horses Misty and Stormy w/Book PRIME PRICNG plus FREE SHIPPING MSRP: Now: $49.99 Was: Misty and Stormy are together again along with the book that introduced them to the world. Since the puvlication of Misty of Chincoteague in 1947, Misty has become one of the most beloved equines in...
Breyer Horses Mojave Prime Pricing Plus Free Shipping MSRP: Now: $49.99 Was: One can hardly think of horses without the iconicMustang coming tomind!Free-roaming symbols of the AmericanWest, today’sMustangs roamacross 10 western states.Mustangs can displaymany different...
Breyer Horses Norwich Prime Pricing Plus Free Shipping MSRP: Now: $31.99 Was: Sleek and sophisticated, the Hackney Pony was onceconsidered the pinnacle of driving fashion. Bred tobe light carriage ponies with a natural high-steppingtrot, they not only looked flashy, but also...
Breyer Horses Paint and Play Set (12) MSRP: $59.99 Now: $53.99 Was: Includes: 12 stablemates (3 of each - Draft, Morgan, Warmblood and Andalusian) in their own blister pack. Each is base coated and ready to paint with its own 3 paint pots and brush.
Breyer Horses Piper Pony Tales Princess tea Party Adventure MSRP: Now: $12.99 Was: Princess Tea Party contains: 1 Princess Dress, 1 Tiara, 1 Pny Princess Hat, 1 Bunny Finger Puppet, 1 Teapot, 2 Tea Cups, 1 Tray with Tea Cakes Doll and Pony NOT Included.
Breyer Horses Piper Pony Tales Unicorn Picnic Adventure MSRP: Now: $12.99 Was: Unicorn Picnic contains: 1 Doll Tutu, 1 Doll Tiara, 1 Pony Tutu, 1 Unicorn Tiara, 1 Picnic Basket, 1 blanket, 1 Platter with Snacks, 1 Paper Unicorn Finger Puppet. Doll and Pony NOT Included.
Breyer Horses Pony Tales Casey and Tucker MSRP: Now: $26.99 Was: Includes Doll/Pony, Outfits Boots, Helmet/Hat, sticker sheet, brush
Breyer Horses RD Marciea Bay Prime Pricing plus Free Shipping MSRP: Now: $49.99 Was: Champion Arabian Mare•This champion Arabian mare is owned and bred by Rae Dawn Arabiansof Scottsdale, Arizona.•Known as “the queen” of Rae Dawn, she oozes personality and...
Breyer Horses Secretariat 50th Anniversary Triple Crown Winner Commemorative Edition Prime Pricing plus Free Shipping MSRP: Now: $59.99 Was: IN STOCK -ready for immediate shipment. Secretariat 50th Anniversary of Triple Crown Winner Commemorative Edition•Celebrating the golden anniversary of his legendary Triple Crown win, this...
Breyer Horses Stablemate Deluxe Horse Collection MSRP: Now: $29.99 Was: The perfect set to jump start and Stablemate Collection! A gorgeous assortment of breeds and colors makes this set stand out from the herd. Includes eight models: Paint Horses, Morgan, Brabant,...
Breyer Horses Stablemate Horse Foal Surprise (All 3 Sets) Prime Pricing plus Free Shipping MSRP: Now: $39.99 Was: This is for all three Styles; Packaging is opened for identification purposes only. Open the door to reveal the mystery foal. Each family has a foal waiting to be discovered. • Includes...
Breyer Horses Stablemate Mystery Unicorn Surprise (24) Chasing Rainbows Series 2 MSRP: Now: $107.99 Was: This is for a sealed package of 24 direct from the factory. Collect a rainbow of colorful unicorns! • A total of 6 styles are included in each display. A rare and ultra rare chase piece can be...